Survival 101

Homesteading Basics

Self-Sufficient Lifestyle, Homesteading Basics Homesteading Basics, ever feel the pull of nature and a simpler life away from the hectic pace of modern society? You're not alone. Increasingly, people are turning to homesteading, a lifestyle choice that emphasizes self-sufficiency, sustainability, and a profound connection with the natural world. It's about being in control of your food source, living off the land, and breaking free from the mainstream economy's hold. This isn't just a hobby; it's a [...]

2023-12-16T14:21:30-04:00By |Survival 101|0 Comments

DIY Gear for Food and Water

DIY Gear for Food and Water "DIY Gear for Food and Water" is a crucial guide that empowers you with the knowledge to craft essential tools using minimal resources. It covers innovative methods to purify and collect water, such as turning a plastic bottle into a water filter or constructing a solar still. For food acquisition, it delves into the art of making simple yet effective tools like deer bone or wire fish hooks, and elaborates [...]

2023-12-07T13:35:30-04:00By |Survival 101|0 Comments

Introducing The DIY Survival Gear Ideas Series

A Series about Homemade Survival Gear: Crafting Essential Tools from Scratch DIY Survival Gear, What if you had the skill to craft your own survival tools in this primal setting? Embrace this opportunity to transform raw wilderness elements into essential survival gear, connecting you deeply with outdoor survival. Let's embark on a journey of resourcefulness and resilience, learning to craft homemade survival gear from scratch. Key Takeaways Essential DIY survival gear from readily available materials. Simple [...]

2023-12-07T13:42:11-04:00By |Survival 101|0 Comments

Stocking Up for Long-Term Survival

Stocking Up for Long-Term Survival In today's unpredictable world, the concept of long-term survival has become increasingly relevant. Whether facing natural disasters, global pandemics, or other unforeseen emergencies, being prepared is not just prudent, it's essential. Stocking up for long-term survival involves more than just accumulating supplies; it requires thoughtful planning and understanding of one’s specific needs. This guide delves into the critical aspects of building a survival stockpile, focusing on food and essential resources. It's [...]

2023-12-04T09:19:21-04:00By |Survival 101|0 Comments

Collapse OS, What is it?

What is Collapse OS? Understanding Collapse OS Collapse OS is more than just a piece of software; it's a foresight into a future where our modern conveniences might no longer be available. Created by Virgil Dupras, this operating system isn't your typical tech project. It's built with a grim yet practical purpose: to thrive in a world where the global supply chain has collapsed, a scenario Dupras believes could happen before 2030. Collapse OS: An Overview [...]

2023-12-01T23:56:19-04:00By |Survival 101|0 Comments

Knot basics and lingo

Knot basics and lingo - Knot Tying Ultimate Guide Beginner Series Knot tying basics, an essential skill across various activities, holds immense practical value. From sailing to camping, understanding knot basics and terminology is crucial for efficient and safe applications. Key Takeaways Mastering basic knots is invaluable for outdoor activities, sailing, and everyday tasks. Knowing knot terminology enhances one’s ability to learn and apply knot-tying techniques effectively. Table of Contents Understanding Basic Knots Knot Terminology and Lingo [...]

2023-12-01T12:19:08-04:00By |Survival 101|0 Comments


SHTF 30 TIPs for the aftermath... First "What is SHTF"? "SHTF" is an acronym that stands for "Shit Hits The Fan." It's a colloquial term often used in survivalist and prepper communities to describe a situation where a major disaster or series of disasters causes significant disruption to society and normal life. This disruption could be so severe that the usual social, legal, and economic systems no longer function effectively, if at all. Here are some [...]

2023-11-27T11:11:03-04:00By |Survival 101|0 Comments

What is LoRa?

What is Long-Range Radio or LoRa? LoRa is wireless communication and can be used for Off-Grid, Decentralized, and Secure Communications after the grid goes down or as anti-spy commutation devices. LoRa, short for Long Range, represents a significant leap in wireless communication technology. This technique, rooted in the spread spectrum modulation, was primarily developed for military and space communication. Now, it stands at the forefront of IoT (Internet of Things) innovation, revolutionizing how we connect devices [...]

2023-11-26T13:21:36-04:00By |Survival 101|0 Comments

Psychological warfare

Dealing with Psychological Warfare: Strategies and Insights This article delves into the intricacies of psychological warfare, exploring its historical evolution, common tactics, and impact on both societies and individuals. It offers practical strategies for effectively dealing with psychological manipulation, emphasizing the importance of mental resilience and self-awareness. The piece is a comprehensive guide to understanding and countering the subtle yet profound effects of psychological warfare in modern life. Key Takeaways Psychological warfare has evolved from ancient [...]

2023-11-23T19:50:16-04:00By |Survival 101|0 Comments

Urban Survival: Essential Skills

Essential Urban Survival Skills: Surviving the Unexpected Urban Survival in an urban landscape during emergencies requires more than just basic survival knowledge. It's about adapting to a unique environment where resources are scarce, and dangers lurk around every corner. This article delves into the essential urban survival skills you need to navigate the concrete jungle. Key Takeaways Mastering urban survival skills is crucial for thriving in emergency situations. Key skills include shelter building, resource management, water [...]

2023-11-23T10:08:00-04:00By |Survival 101|0 Comments
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